
Comprehensive Assessments

Understanding Your Inner Landscape.

At Coloured Haven Holistic Wellness Center

We believe that true healing begins with a deep understanding of oneself. That's why we offer a range of comprehensive assessments, including psychological evaluations, holistic wellness assessments, and psychometric testing. These assessments serve as the cornerstone of your journey toward holistic wellness, providing invaluable insights into your inner landscape.

Psychological Evaluation: Illuminating Your Mental Health

Our psychological evaluations delve deep into your psyche, uncovering the intricacies of your mental health. Led by experienced psychologists and therapists, these assessments provide a detailed view of your emotional and mental well-being, identifying any underlying conditions or mental health challenges you may be facing. Whether it's anxiety, depression, trauma, or personality disorders, our evaluations offer a personalized diagnosis that forms the basis of your treatment plan.

Benefits: Personalized Diagnosis: By delving into your unique psychological profile, we can accurately diagnose any underlying mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, trauma, or personality disorders.
Targeted Treatment Planning: Armed with a comprehensive understanding of your mental health, our team can develop individualized treatment plans that precisely target your specific needs and challenges.
Baseline Measurement: Psychological evaluations provide a baseline against which we can measure your progress throughout the treatment process, allowing us to adapt and refine our approach as needed

Holistic Wellness Assessments: Embracing Total Well-Being

In addition to psychological evaluations, we conduct holistic wellness assessments to evaluate every aspect of your well-being. These assessments go beyond mental health to encompass your physical, emotional, social, financial and spiritual dimensions. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of your overall health, we can address imbalances and areas of concern from a holistic perspective, fostering true harmony and vitality.

    1. Comprehensive Health Picture:
    Holistic wellness assessments evaluate not only your mental health but also your physical, emotional, social, financial and spiritual well-being, providing a holistic overview of your health.
      Identification of Imbalances:
    These assessments uncover any imbalances or areas of concern across all aspects of your life, allowing us to address them holistically and restore equilibrium.
      Preventative Care:
    By identifying potential issues early on, holistic wellness assessments enable us to implement preventative measures and lifestyle interventions to maintain and enhance your overall well-being
  • Psychometrics: Uncovering Your Unique Traits and Potential

    Our psychometric testing goes one step further, offering objective insights into your personality, values, strengths, and areas for growth. Through a series of standardized tests and assessments, we uncover your purpose and values, shed light on your personality type, and identify potential barriers to your holistic wellness. By understanding your unique traits and potential, we empower you to navigate life's challenges with clarity and confidence.

    1. Objective Data:
    Psychometric testing provides objective data on various aspects of your psychological and cognitive functioning, offering insights that complement subjective assessments.
      Identification of Strengths and Weaknesses:
    By analyzing your psychometric results, we can pinpoint your strengths and areas for growth, guiding the development of tailored interventions and therapeutic strategies.
      Quantifiable Progress Tracking:
    Utilizing psychometrics allows us to track your progress in a quantifiable manner, providing tangible benchmarks for your journey towards wellness and growth.
  • Combined Benefits include

    1. Comprehensive Insight: Integrating psychological evaluations, holistic wellness assessments, and psychometrics provides a multidimensional understanding of your health, ensuring that all facets of your well-being are considered in your treatment plan. 2. Enhanced Accuracy and Effectiveness: By combining subjective and objective data, we can arrive at more accurate diagnoses and develop more effective treatment strategies tailored to your unique needs. 3. Empowerment and Engagement: These assessments empower you with knowledge about your health, fostering a sense of ownership and engagement in your treatment journey, ultimately leading to more profound and lasting transformation. .

    Want to know more?

    Contact us, to experience holistic wellness and healing beyond boundaries.


    Embarking on your wellness journey at Coloured Haven begins with these comprehensive assessments, laying the foundation for personalized, integrative, and transformative care. By unlocking a deeper understanding of your mental, emotional, and physical well-being, we empower you to embark on a path towards holistic healing, growth, and fulfillment.

    Coloured Haven

    - Abuja: Lifecamp, Abuja, Nigeria
    - Lagos: Magodo Phase 2, Lagos, Nigeria

    Phone: +2348142464435 (Call, Text, WhatsApp)

    Email: [email protected]

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